Lung Cancer Canada

Evening of Hope

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Evening of Hope 

A time to celebrate survivorship and usher in a hopeful future as we come together from coast-to-coast. A special event connecting people affected by lung cancer via in-person and virtual participation. In-person locations in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax.

Sunday, November 17th 

Vancouver, BC 
Creekside Community Centre
1 Athlete’s Way, Vancouver, BC V5Y 0B1
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm PST

Edmonton, AB
Wellspring Alberta
11306 65 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6H 2Z8
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm MST

Calgary, AB
Wellspring Alberta - Randy O'Dell House
3910 Seton Dr. SE
Calgary, AB, T3M 2N9
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm MST

Toronto, ON
Eglington St. George United Church
35 Lytton Blvd, Toronto, ON M4R 1L2
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST

Montreal, QC
Location TBA
5:00 pm – 8pm EST

Halifax, NS
St. Andrew’s Community Centre
3380 Barnstead Ln, Halifax, NS B3L 2B8
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm AST

Evening of Hope / Soirée de l'Espoir

Share your pictures!

Help us create a lasting memory of this year’s Event by contributing some pictures that remind you of HOPE! 

The picture can be of you or your loved ones, or an object or landscape that brings joy and energizes you. Don’t forget to take some of the event, wherever you are! The pictures will be used to unveil a mosaic representing the interconnectedness of our community. 

Follow the link or use the QR code:

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