Gerry Davis
My name is Gerry Davis from Calgary. I am an almost 19 year Lung Cancer Survivor. I spent over 30 years in the towing business and a bad back came with the job. At the age of 55, my chiropractor advised that something showed up on my xrays and wanted it investigated. From November 1997 to February 1998 I went through many tests and finally was told I had stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer. I had quit smoking 9 years prior to being diagnosed. I opted to go on a medical trial.
I live an active life. I am 74 years old and I downhill ski, mountain bike and kayak. I believe that a positive attitude helps. “
It was a tough journey that included several rounds of chemotherapy (cisplatin) and radiation, simultaneously, followed by surgery to remove 1/3 of my right lung, followed by another round of chemotherapy. I maintained a positive attitude throughout my treatment and had great confidence in my medical team from the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary.
Today, I live an active life. I am 74 years old and I downhill ski, mountain bike and kayak. I believe that a positive attitude helps. I volunteer with Alberta Health, Tom Baker Cancer Centre and attend a lung cancer support group, Imerman Angels. I believe in putting back if you are given a second chance as I feel I was given a great opportunity.